Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Boston is doing so good!!! He is tolerating his feeds really well and is off his O2 Yeah!!! He has been on it since birth so this is a great thing to celebrate!!! He is once again capturing the hearts of all those around him and his sweet spirit lights up everyone who sees him. He still loves all the attention the nurses are giving him and was so excited when his sisters and brother came to see him! hopefully coming home Sunday or Monday.

We love our brother!

Hospital Visitors!

Friday, July 10, 2009

So here we are again in the hospital! He is doing great. They did a surgery putting a "G tube" in his tummy. This will replace the NG tube that was in his nose. They also did a surgery where they wrapped his stomach around his esophagus to stop him from refluxing. He seems a little sore and uncomfortable, but he is OK and much happier since they fed him. If he can tolerate it all he will go home on Sunday!

Again I have to Say thank you to all my family and wonderful friends who are so supportive to our family. I know this little guy is special to allot of people and for that I am very grateful. Thank you for all the prayers and offers of help. You are all great and I love you all

Another Hospital Stay

Boating Fun!!!

Beautiful gals!

Swinging on the swing

Splashing is so fun when its on your sister!

Swimming in the creek so fun!

Relaxing Sunday...

#1 is entertaining us all!

#2 is spakiling as always!

#3 doing a funny production lol....

#4 loves himself some cupcakes!