Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am overwhelmed at how great people are, I have been so blessed to have you all in my life!!! Reading the posts made me cry, and it also made me realize how great my friends and family are!!! I wanted to say thanks to everyone for all their help and kindness, but most of all for your prayers and love.

Boston is amazing and just beautiful, he is getting cuter by the min. I am dying to bring him home!!! It is so hard to leave him but hopefully any day now. The main concern is maintaining his body temp, so as soon as he can do that he will be able to come home, he also has to be able to stay on the amount of O2 that they are comfortable with. Which he seems to be doing well. So any day now!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update on Boston

These are a few pictures of our new addition.... He is just adorable and even more adorable in person. We are hoping to bring him home on Sat or Sun. The doctor was very happy with him today allot of the concerns he had are not as concerning anymore, mainly his heart now will be the issue.

But he eats like a horse, and that makes everyone very happy!!! So all is well, and I will keep everyone posted mainly through the blog, so check in and know that we love you all and are so grateful for you!

I cant stop kissing his cheeks!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


He is here!!! We are so excited to announce that Baby Boston is here! He was born on January 19,2009. Born @ 9:30 am 8 lbs 14 oz!!! Yes he is huge! And yes this is the only child that at the last min I decided to go natural....... And yes it hurt like a.....well you get the picture.

We arrived @ about 5 am after I had been in labor all day on Sunday, and all through the night, I was already dilated to a 5 so I decided that I could do it without a epidural, what was I thinking??? I really wasn't that bad until the end. And at that point I had no choice.

He is beautiful.... Tons of jet black hair!! And the Chubbiest cheeks!!

We were surprised to learn that he will have some special needs, he has Down Syndrome. So we are now learning a ton about what his needs will be. To me it just makes him all the more special, he is so precious, and so perfect. There are no words to describe how much I love him, and in a way I have always known that he would be sent to us.... The kids love him and are excited to have him home. He has a few concerns with his heart. I will post more when I have time to explain the details.

He is just perfect and a blessing to our family.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Ok people, I am nesting!!! For those of you who may not know what that means, I am preparing my house for the baby!!! It needs a deep cleaning, so I am doing it, I suddenly have a burst of energy!! I just hope I can get it all done before my kiddies mess it all up again!!

I went to the doctor today, and without going into too much detail, the lil guy weighs about 7lbs and is not dropping ( moving down) so the doctor says we can brace yourself "strip your membranes" uuhhgg!! This is not fun at all, and rarely does any good for me except to make me feel miserable for about 24hrs, but maybe it will help speed things along!! The kid weighs 7 lbs, get him out already jk!! All in time!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ok I totally am late on posting the birthday pictures for #1 but I was having technical difficulty. So Here it is babe HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It was a fun day, and I am so proud of you and the great example you are to everyone around you.
She has been asked to be a "PEER LEADER" at school, which means she will be able to sport the vest that the peer leaders get to wear!! WOW! Fun stuff.

I love you honey! I hope your year is a great one just like you!!

Oh and yes I will explain the candle situation this time, so I go out of my way to pick out these super cute birthday candles because the last party we had no candles.... Anyway they were so dang cute that someone decided to play with them like a hour before the party & of course they lost them.. so once again do the math! BTW I found the candles in a sack on the floor of someones bedroom the next day!!

Happy Birthday!!! 10 yrs

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mikyla my little niece!!!

Eating Sushi At Windys Sukiyaki for Jades 14th Birthday

Its almost time!!!!

I went to the doctor on Friday and he said that he would start me on Feb, 1!!! Yeah I wont be pregnant forever! I am definitely looking forward to this day, he said it might be sooner, but with my luck it wont be... I feel like a elephant, not only because I am gigantic, but I feel like I have been pregnant forever. ( Aren't elephants pregnant forever)? Anyways we are all set to go I have all the clothes ready the baby gear is out. Come on little guy any day now! The doctor said he weighs 6.5 lbs now and is quite big.... ummm yeah I can feel the foot clear up in my ribs. He is definitly active, especially at night. Why is that the baby always starts moving at night when you are ready to go to sleep. Last night I had heartburn and finally got up at 4:00 and ate a whole bottle of tums smoothies ( they actually taste like candy)! Then I read a little. And went back to sleep only to be awaken by my dog.... Oh man I look forward to the days of sleep...ZZZZs

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am so excited that she has choose to be baptized, I think these pictures say it all she is so sweet and gentle, she is totally ready to be baptized. I am honored to be her Mom! Tonight she made me a card that said that I was the best mom ever, and wishing me a happy new year! Then she asked if we could spend the day together just me and her........ Precious Moments.

" Grace" being her middle name fits her perfect.

# 2 Is going to be baptized!

Sam & Mark on Christmas Eve dressed the same!

#4 played us a little musical number!

This is just a little example of Cortney ruff housing with #1!!!

Dana.... she's so cute!

Three amigos!!! Partying it up all night!!!

~Me and Cort, and my sweet niece~

I had to catch him to get a picture of him!!!!


We had so much fun last night!! We went to my Aunt Danas house and played games, and ate food and ate food, did I already say that? We stayed up to bring in the New Year. Cortney my brother made sure to lead the kids in banging pots and pans.... Ummmmm ya it was loud!!! They played Wii and Cortney wound them all up I think only one cried! That's amazing! All the kids built a fort and slept in it. # 4 was the first asleep, but hes easy he just goes down anywhere at exactly 8 o'clock. #3 was the next then #2 #1 finally got to sleep... #2 stayed with the cousins, and #1 wanted to come home and sleep in my bed with me so we crashed about 1 o'clock!

It was quite different than most of our New Year parties...... But we had allot of fun!!! I am glad 2008 is gone, while many fun times happened, I hope 2009 will be even better!!! After all we have a little one coming any day now!! Hopefully not until the end of Jan! What a blessing it is to have a family, and the priceless memories that are created!!